

Impedance audiometry: Stapedial reflex eliciting conditions

Mojmír Lejska*

Published: 20 September, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 060-068

The work is an attempt to create a complete system of conditions which influence genesis, existence, and response characteristics of stapedial reflex in impedance audiometry. The author divides the conditions into the internal-reflex arc integrity, temporal acoustic summation, mixed-external auditory meatus and middle ear, and internal-side of stimulation and energy content of the stimulus. The system of conditions that influence stapedial reflex is based on a criterion, that stapedial reflex depends on energy, which is percepted by the inner ear as subjective loudness. The system of conditions stated in this work is based mainly on the author’s own experiments and measurements, which are herein also documented. At the same time, these results are in accordance with data in literature as quoted. This system is not closed-it potentially may be completed using the basic criterion and further knowledge.

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Impedance audiometry; Stapedial Reflex eliciting conditions


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